Dr Shiksha Gujadhur (Ackbar Yoga Movement) gives course about Yoga dealing with the Stress.

Dr Shiksha Gujadhur (de la société Ackbar Yoga Movement), thérapiste affiliée au centre S-Vyasa de Bangalore (Inde), est spécialisée dans la gestion du Stress par le Yoga.
Voici quelques éléments de son cours donné à travers le monde (Maurice, France, Canada, etc…).

Dr Shiksha Gujadhur’s Course
Cours de Yoga contre le Stress

How to deal with Stress with Yoga

Type of Workshop
Focus of the Workshop
Who is this
Price per
Emotional Intelligence
Self knowledge and improvement of self-worth
Self Acceptance
Communication the EI way
Emotional Control
6 sessions of
1-2 hours
Dr Shiksha Gujadhur
Children from 7-15 years
300 Rs/session
750 Rs per session
Min 10
Max 25
Rules of Success
Reaching Dreams and Goals
Positive Thinking
6 sessions of
1-2 hours
Dr Shiksha Gujadhur
Children from 7-15 years
300 Rs/session
750 Rs per session
Min 10
Max 25
Yoga and Stress Management
Effective Communication
Positive Thinking
Change of Behaviour
Getting rid of limiting beliefs
Overcoming stress, anxiety, phobias…
Changing perceptions of the past that hinder our present and future
1 day from
9am – 4 pm
1h break
Dr Shiksha Gujadhur
5000 Rs
Min 10
Max 25
Ackbar Yoga Movement Company Training
S-Vyasa affiliated
Personal Excellence
1 day from
9am – 4 pm
1h break
Dr Shiksha Gujadhur
6000 Rs
Min 10
Max 25

« Yoga and Stress Management » Course is suitable for all types of audience : One-on-One courses, groups (Companies).
Le cours de « Yoga contre le Stress » est adapté à tous types d’audience : cours personnalisé, cours collectifs (Entreprises, associations, etc…).

For further information, please contact Dr Shiksha Gujadhur
Pour plus d’information, contactez dès maintenant Dr Shiksha Gujadhur
Ackbar Yoga Movement
[email protected]
on  Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/shiksha.gujadhur 

Testimonials about Yoga and Stress Management Course
Témoignages de personnes ayant suivi le cours

Dear Shiksha,

Thank you so much for these past 3 months of training and teaching. You have been a great Guru and an invaluable inspiration in my life.  I came to study yoga out of curiosity and I leave with a knowledge that I could have never imagined.  Yoga is so much more than the postures that we do.  For me it has been an eye opener and I make it now my life philosophy, to live by the rules and thoughts that you have taught me.

I hope that I will be as good as you in this exciting subject one day and I will do my best to spread the word of yoga philosophy and way of life around me.

With best regards,

Your faithful student,

Patricia Piper
Master NLP Practitioner, Life and Business Coach
mobile: + 230 919 48 03
skype: thepipersonline


This will be a short message on how yoga has changed my life… with the help of my teacher and Guru Shiksha Gujadhur

I have been doing yoga for 2 years. The physical postures and relaxation made me feel good everyday. I then decided I wanted to learn more about yoga and to eventually be a teacher to help others feel good. I found the Akbar yoga movement in Mauritius and call to see if they were giving teacher training courses… and to my luck they were. I started my Teacher training course full of ignorance on what yoga was really all about, in the 3 and half months that I studied the theory part of yoga with Shiksha Gujadhur (My Guru) my eyes just seemed to open to a whole new way of seeing life. There were things I had never fully understood until I started this course and my life feels so much more enlightened… I think also more on all the actions I make in my thoughts and my physical actions. One thing that has touched me more in this whole experience is that I feel closer to God now… I went through a time in my life where I had lost all faith… for various reasons… but now my eyes, my heart, my whole being is open and I believe more than ever… it’s like the light in my heart switched on again. Have also found that I have a lot more energy and I don’t need to sleep as much. I am up every day at 4.30 am and don’t feel sleepy at all during the day! I have become more conscious about what and how I eat. I feel so much better about myself a gain a little more confidence everyday

I feel my new life path/journey has just begun and I can embrace it with open arms. I have my you to thank for all this knowledge Shiksha Gujadhur, I am very grateful that the supreme consciousness has put you on my path to guide me through this new beginning


Thank you

Kind and warm Regards

Pauline Guerin

« Yoga and Stress Management » Course is suitable for all types of audience : One-on-One courses, groups (Companies).
Le cours de « Yoga contre le Stress » est adapté à tous types d’audience : cours personnalisé, cours collectifs (Entreprises, associations, etc…).

For further information, please contact Dr Shiksha Gujadhur
Pour plus d’information, contactez dès maintenant Dr Shiksha Gujadhur
Ackbar Yoga Movement
[email protected]
on  Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/shiksha.gujadhur 

Five levels of human existence5 niveaux d’existence de l’humain

annamaya kosa operations
physical body
vital sheath
astral body

physical exercises
sithilikarana vyayama

empty or light stomach
4 hours after lunch
2 hours after breakfast
early morning
evenings before dinner


« Yoga and Stress Management » Course is suitable for all types of audience : One-on-One courses, groups (Companies).
Le cours de « Yoga contre le Stress » est adapté à tous types d’audience : cours personnalisé, cours collectifs (Entreprises, associations, etc…).

For further information, please contact Dr Shiksha Gujadhur
Pour plus d’information, contactez dès maintenant Dr Shiksha Gujadhur
Ackbar Yoga Movement
[email protected]
on  Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/shiksha.gujadhur